Decided to lose weight women reconsider your diet. You have two options: balance the diet with the physical activity, bring the weight to normal mode minus 0,5-2 kg / week, or to lose weight fast, extreme, but effective diet. Two options which do you like the best? A lot of girls choose quick way to lose weight, you don't want the results in a few days!

However, fast effective diet on the reverse side: a short-term result. Lost hunger pounds back on as quickly as it left. In addition, extreme ways to lose weight – almost disposable. Help to lose weight, once, twice. But over time cease to work. This is due to the fact that periods of acute caloric deficit is stressful for the body, and then gradually "learns" to resist him. Therefore, more and more girls prefer not extreme methods weight loss a healthy, balanced diet, which ensures the long-term results.
But sometimes you need to lose weight fast: before sports events, special dates or events. The list of requirements for each profession, a set amount of weight gain, if out of the standard, to solve the problem, just fast, effective diet. We have collected the most popular diet to help get rid of 5-10 excess pounds. But be careful! A sudden restriction in the diet can have side effects.
TOP 5 most effective diets

The most simple, quick way to lose a few pounds, home – mono. There are a couple of drawbacks: monotonous food, the lack of vitamins, minerals, and the quick return of the lost kilos, the need to consult with your doctor. Yet these are among the most effective diet for rapid weight loss.
Kim Protasov
For those who love vegetables, then you can do without meat. The diet, which Protasov, is designed for 5 week. Built on the raw vegetables, small amounts of dairy products. The menu looks like this:
- Breakfast: unsweetened coffee low-fat yogurt, an Apple;
- lunch: cucumber cottage cheese;
- lunch: tea, Apples, lettuce, grated cheese;
- afternoon snack: carrots, lettuce, apples;
- dinner: boiled egg, tomatoes, herbs, yogurt.
Diet for the lazy
Sometimes it's time to cook a complicated recipe, you don't. The good news is that there are effective diet, which does not require culinary delights. The main principle of the "lazy" diet: before the meal to drink 2 glasses of clean, lukewarm water. I'm sure that's just gay! The point is simple: warm water quench the hunger pangs, at the same time, don't let too much eating.
That way a fast to lose weight need to eat three times a day, there is no limitation on the products, virtually no. Although the sweets, fatty, fried foods and alcohol, carbonated drinks, it is better to refuse.

With mono, you will lose up to 10 pounds in a week. However, the buckwheat don't have to boil, and steam it. Because of this, it will be the not-so-subtle, but helps to reduce the weight. First, rinse the groats, pour hot water and wait until the swelling of the eyes. It takes a lot of time, so braised porridge for 12 hours. This is the best way of the night. The buckwheat, add some salt, spices, a spoon of soy sauce.
The resulting number of sts divided by 5 meals, but eat during the day. The last supper will take place no later than 5 hours before bedtime. Half an hour before meals drink a glass of water. I also drink sugar-free green tea. But to abuse the effective diet is not necessary, otherwise you risk to "earn" diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
The Dukan Diet
This is a protein diet, which is based on virtually complete rejection of carbohydrates. Pierre Dukan is provided so that you can eat, constantly changing menu. Even the diet created Dukan, it's not for everyone, but only those who need to lose 10 kg, who are willing to wait for the results of a months or longer.
The transition to a carbohydrate-free diet more steps in. First you completely abandon carbohydrates, replacing them with protein. Then alternate the vegetables and protein, to stabilize the weight. And little by little, to introduce the carbohydrates in the diet, but the part still does not exceed 10% of the total number of products.
The simple diet
Mono is not suitable for everyone: they are hard to maintain, because the monotony of the diet, you drastically reduce the carbohydrates, you should look for special products. But there are ways to reduce the weight without taking into account the use of a number of complicated culinary terms.
Kefir diet

One of the most popular options for extra weight loss – kefir mono-diet. To maintain the is not easy, but any difficulties in planning a diet usually eat. The fact that I drink a day to 1.5 liters of yogurt, even the fat and everything. Thus, it is possible to lose up to 5 pounds every week. However, to keep yogurt longer than 3-5 days, otherwise, the body begins to suffer from exhaustion.
Way to quick weight loss
Strict limitation of the food is effective in the short term. Therefore, sitting on a yogurt, or buckwheat, you need to be prepared for the fact that the lost weight will quickly return. But you can rebuild your own diet to lose weight and to stabilize it at the same level, plus or minus 2 kg. To do this, eat fractional: it's not a big dose three times a day and in small portions 5 times. Also, to give up the high calorie foods:
- carbonated sugary drinks;
- alcohol;
- desserts;
- fried, fried potato;
- fatty red meat;
- sausage;
- cereals, Breakfast, fast cooking;
- fast food;
- muffins, and other baked goods made with white wheat flour.
The base of the diet should be fresh vegetables, fruit, lean fish, white meat, grains, except white rice. It is useful to keep a food diary, taking into account all the food, even the most insignificant. You also need to calculate your daily calorie intake on your weight, lifestyle, take away, 300-500 units, as well as to adhere to such calories.
Effective way to lose weight
In addition to these method of extra weight loss there are others.
The diet for 5 days is effective

"Ladder" – the method of reduction of weight 3-8 kg for 5 days. It is based on five stages of food is equal to 5 days of the week:
- Cleansing day-fasting with regular use of the clean water.
- Recovery: you can eat the dairy products.
- Energy: we need to treat the glucose in the raisins, honey and other natural products.
- Construction: in this phase, you eat protein.
- Fat burning: to fiber, which nourishes, satisfies the hunger.
The diet for a week
The simplest way to reduce the week weight, the diet a buckwheat porridge, yogurt. Yes, it seems monotonous, but you lose up to 5 kg. Buckwheat need to prepare the same as buckwheat methods: steamed, not boiled. A day to drink 1.5 liters of nonfat yogurt.
Effective diet, the 10 day
The point superdeity the weight loss: in a day you can eat only one product, the quantity 1 kg. weight loss a period of not more than 10 days, so you can reduce 8 kg. However, doctors warn that this method doesn't help to reduce the weight, but it's not safe, health. Therefore, when the first symptoms of the discomfort, you should see a doctor. In order to avoid the disease, keep in mind the following principles:
- look at the natural products;
- excluded from the diet of fatty, sweet, smoked, red meat, alcohol;
- schedule meals, stick to it;
- reduce the salt consumed with food.
Product versions, which are suitable for this method of weight loss: boiled potatoes, fresh cabbage, boiled beets, raw carrots. Also recommend the fresh cucumber, apple, cooked rice. Maybe the "yogurt" and "milk" day.
You can try a vegetarian diet. This is the safer solution, but you will lose up to 3 kg. the method of nutrition among vegetables, fruit, no other food, including cheese, eggs, milk.
Diet 2 weeks effective
Fourteen a bit, you can try the extreme method of weight loss, that is almost a complete rejection of food. You need to eat very little healthy foods to avoid the feeling of fullness. You will be constantly hungry, you the main weight you will lose in the first week of fasting, then the rate of weight loss slows down.
However, this diet is adequate, to put it mildly, not always. The fasting, the stress on the body, and a two-week malnutrition a lot of side effects. Therefore, we recommend that a less radical way to normalize the body weight: a familiar diet a product a day. Can be stretched to 14 days, it is important to don't forget to drink 2 litres of water a day, and alternate the products.
The most effective diet for weight loss 10 kg

There are three ways to reduce body weight 10 kg: hard, clean, gentle. We recommend, unless absolutely necessary, not to resort to tough techniques, because a lot of the side effects. But if you reduce the weight to the urgent need, then try this option: total rejection, high-calorie foods, as well as the transition to the low calorie diet. The maximum daily calorie intake of 1300 calories. In order to avoid constant feelings of hunger, you need to make separate meals for 7-8 receptions.
More gentle option: a cleansing technique that consists in the rejection of the animal products, fried, fatty and smoked foods. I need to replace the vegetables, fruits, cereals, low-fat dairy products. But in this case it is important to eat small meals 5 times a day.
Save diet, movement is easier, it is designed for loss of 10 kg within a month. There is simply no restrictions, but high-calorie food, fast food, dessert, baking, sweet carbonated drinks must be completely ruled out. You should also avoid fatty, fried, smoked. Instead, eat, black, unleavened bread, slightly dry, salty, bun, butter, celery, milk, vegetables, fruit. You can also eat grains, legumes, lean meat, fish. Drink green tea, yogurt, fruit juice. But it's not the packages, and manually squeezed.
Secrets a light diet
The weight loss it is important to stay motivated: remember your goal. Also, try to make this period enjoyable: don't translate, talk, walk in the fresh air, exercise. Don't forget to drink at least 2 litres of pure mineral water a day, eat smaller portions, and diet diet sensor easier.
Evaluation results of the thin
Experience with thinner girls confirms the transition to a balanced diet – the straight path, the tone of a beautiful song!
Assessment doctors, professionals
The doctors remind: reduced rate of weight loss is 0.5-1kg a week. You can lose weight, 2 kg in a week without any consequences, the internal organs, but a quick amount of stress on the body. They don't realize what endocrine diseases, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to like a strict diet, then to fall into the trap of eating disorders. Can be expressed as the compulsive eating disorder, and the fear to eat something harmful.
Why doctors advise not to starve to death, but the balance of the diet so that the body receives the necessary nutrients. If you want to lose weight, the calorie deficit should be easy. Studies have shown that safe loss diet – no more than 25% of the calories in the current part.